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First Aid Homoeopathic Medicine Kit

Takes care of immediate health needs, recommended to be kept at Homes, Factories, Offices, Personal Car, School Vans, Staff Vans, Shops & any place you desire to keep at

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Sepia 30

Leading Symptoms:

Bearing down sensation in vulva, labour like pains, pain in the small of back in women, climacteric flushes, brown liver spots on the skin, especially on chest and abdomen, a sensation of ball in vagina, rectum, prolapse, of uterus and vagina, leucorrhoea, yellow, milky or of bad smelling.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Spigelia 30

Leading Symptoms:

Left sided prosopalgia, neuralgia of the fifth pair of nerves, intolerable pressive pain in the eye balls (rheumatic opthalmia), throbbing tearing toothache aggravated by cold water, palpitation of heart audible and visible, rheumatic affections of the heart and anxiety.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Spongia Tosta 30

Leading Symptoms:

Cough, dry, barking, wheezing whistling, thyroid gland swollen and hard, with suffocation attacks at night, swelling of the testicles with pressive bruised pain.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Staphysagria 30

Leading Symptoms:

Recurrent styes, backache at night due to flatulence, hysteria or hypochondriasis from sexual or onanism, useful remedy in post-surgical operations.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Sulphur 30

Leading Symptoms:

Disliked to be washed or bathed, burning sensation, itching and scratching leading to burning on skin, irresistible drowsiness in daytime and wakefulness the whole night, symptoms of constipation and piles, under-developed infants.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Silicea 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Silicea is a cleanser and eliminator, which helps the body to throw off non-functional organic matters, offensive perspiration of the feet and arm pits, pus formation or threatened suppuration e.g. abcesses, boils, gum boils etc. it is useful in treatment of tonsillitis when pus has begun to form.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

BM Nos 1 - 256 in 30mL Drops
BM Specialities Drops
Medicated Syrups
General Items
Sugar Free Medicated Syrups
Ointments, Creams & Massage Oil
Medicated Tablets
Bio-Combination Nos

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