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Neu Rene-Cal Drops

Helps to remove the stone(s) from kidney, ureter and bladder without surgery

Neu Rene-Cal Drops


Gravel laurel(TM), Lytta Vesicatoria(TM), Pipperdge bush(TM), Seven bark(TM), Smilax ornata(TM), Stigmata(TM), Terebinthinae(TM), Thlaspi BP(TM)

Specific Indication:

Kidney stone, Cystitis, Feeling of congestion, Pain is fluctuating in nature, Neuralgic pains radiating, Nephritis, Nephritic colic, Constant desire to urinate, Cutting before, during and after urine, Urine is passed drop by drop, Lancinating pain in the ureter and bladder, Inflammation in the kidney, Dysuria, Frequent urination, Sensation as if some urine remained, Bright red urine with thick mucous, Turbid urine with thick mucous, Yellow urine with thick mucous, Sandy or slimy sediment, Soreness of region of kidney, Bloody urine, Urine hard to start, Bladder distended and tender, Irritable condition of urinary tract, Edema of lower limbs, Scanty urination, Chronic retention of urine, Chronic retention of pyelitis, Chronic retention of Cystitis, Urine smoky with coffee ground, Gravel in Kidney, Spasmodic retention after forceps delivery, Dysuria of old persons, Haematuria, and Frequent desire to urinate

General Indication:

Kidney stone, Neuralgic pains, Nephritis, Constant desire to urinate, Cutting before, during and after urine, Urine is passed drop by drop, Inflammation in the kidney, Sensation as if some urine remained, Turbid urine with thick mucous, Irritable condition of urinary track, Gravel in Kidney, Haematuria


Adult: 20-25 drops in some water 3-4 times a day, Children: Half of the same or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic Doctor.


60mL drops standard quality packing


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