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BM 197


BM 197


Rhus toxD4+40C, BryoniaD4+40C, ColocynthisD4+40C, Arsenicum albumD7+70C, HypericumD6+60C, ChamomillaD6+60C, GnaphalliumD5+50C

Specific Indication:

Lumbo sacral pain, the specific symptoms are muscular tightness in the lower back, gas pains, chronic tiredness, knees pain, sciatica, poor circulation, legs cramps, cold feet and pain at the end of spine.

General Indication:

Lumbo sacral pain is known as lower back pain. It is caused due to muscular tightness in the lower region of the back. Unfortunately this condition is very common and like many other common problems it also gets worse day by day. The common symptoms are tightness of the muscles in the lower region of the back, stiffness, pain extend from lower back to feet, limiting the external rotation and limiting anterior tilt of the pelvis. In addition to this BM Compositum, it is important to maintain the good posture when sitting for long periods of time. Strengthening exercises of the abdominal muscles, spinal adjustment and soft tissue therapy by a qualified, competent physiotherapist can be beneficial.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


30mL drops standard quality packing


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