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BM 192


BM 192


Berberis VulgD4+40C, CantharisD4+40C, EquisetumD6+60C, Eupator. PurpD3+30C, DulcamaraD4+40C

Specific Indication:

Inflammation of the kidney, renal calculi, sharp stinging pain in the kidneys, pains in the sacral region. Peritonitis, metritis, piercing pain in the bladder, inflammation of the bladder, burning pains when urinating, yellow urine and turbid.

General Indication:

Piercing pains in the renal region, worse from pressure, pains in the sacral region, rigidity and numbness of back. Dull pains in the renal region, burning pains when urinating, constant urge to do so. Urine passed in drops, reddish, glairy, tinged with blood, cystitis. Enuresis, bladder irritations (mainly in women). Especially indicated in the cases of bladder irritation. Frequent urine urge, painful with abundance or lack of urine which is coloured, glairy. Irritation of bladder, constant and painful urge to urinate. Paralysed bladder, worse in damp weather. Specific effect on the mucosa of the bladder & smelly urine.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


30mL drops standard quality packing


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