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BM 110


BM 110


SepiaD3+30C, AesculusD1+10C, CimicifugaD1+10C,Calc FluorD6+60C, Baryta CarbD6+60C, Rhus ToxD1+10C, Kali CarbD10+100C

Specific Indication:

Women's backache, increased sensitivity to pain, symptoms of backache comes and goes, pain increases in stress and weather changes, constant standing in kitchen while doing household work and laundry work etc. The pain may be mild or of severe nature, digestive disorder and urinary complains are also the major factors of the womens backache. Depression or anxiety also causes fibromyalgia.

General Indication:

Backache in women is a particular topic and the remedy is developed by BM keeping in view the certain conditions that causes pain in the muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. The pain occurs in the areas of the front of the knees, the elbows, the hip joints and around the neck. This homoeopathic remedy is particularly build up to help the females to get rid of backache as well as other symptoms of fibromyalgia. The following symptoms are of important nature which carries value to treat the women complaining backache.

Frequent urination, abdominal pain, heart burn, constipation, pelvic pain, menstrual pain, coitus pain, stress, weather changes, disturb sleep and kitchen exertions etc.


Adult: 10-15 drops 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


30mL drops standard quality packing


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