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BM 101


BM 101


Calc PhosD6+60C, Nat MurD6+60C, SiliceaD8+80C, Kali lodD6+60C, IodothyrineD10+100C, ThyrodinumD20+200C, Fucus VesD2+20C

Specific Indication:

Goitre (Enlargement of thyroid). Small to moderate size goitres, cough, slight change in voice, night time choking, fatigue, weight gain, increased cholesterol, muscle weakness and tremors & palpitations.

General Indication:

The goitre is hard to touch. Goitre disorders may have signs that are common and are often confused with other conditions. Blood tests are also required to see if thyroid disorder is indicated. Simple blood tests measure the thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH) to find over active and under active thyroid disorders. Some general indications may be fatigue, weight gain/loss, irritable feeling, forgetfulness, hoarse voice, dry cough, difficult swallowing, increased cholesterol, in case of female irregular menstruation, muscular weakness, palpitations and frequent bowel movement.


Adult: 10-15drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


30mL drops standard quality packing


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