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BM 75


BM 75


Kali PhosD6+60C, Kali MurD6+60C, AluminaD50+100C, Kali ArsenD6+60C

Specific Indication:

Diagnosis of this condition requires a histopathology analysis of the local lymph node. The condition of the malignant is almost invariably fatal with survival times generally less than three years from presentation. The malignant condition may be virulent tumors and growths and they are life threatening. Symptoms of the malignant growth varies because of different nature of growth.

General Indication:

Malignant condition corresponds to the state of adynamia and decay, gangrene conditions, catarrhal infection, glandular swelling, dryness of mucous membranes and skin, tendency to pyretic muscular status, disposition to colds in the head, abnormal carvings for chalk, charcoal and dry food, skin malignancy without any internal sings. Patient feels better in the open air from cold washing and in damp weather. BM Malignant growth compositum is used for the treatment of suspected malignant tumours. It is also useful after the removal of the cancer when it is in healing process.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


30mL drops standard quality packing


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