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BM 58

Stone in Gall Bladder

BM 58


Berb VulgD1+10C, Carduus MarD1+10C, ChelidoniumD1+10C, ChionanthusD2+20C, DioscoreaD1+10C, Fel TauriD2+20C, HydrastisD1+10C

Specific Indication:

Cholelithiasis (Stone in Gall Bladder), epigastric pain radiating to the shoulder, flatulence, indigestion, belching, bloating and fatty food intolerance. Distention in the epigastric area, symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

General Indication:

Gall stones are asymptomatic, symptomatic and with complications that is Cholecystitis. A history of epigastric pain radiating to the shoulder may suggest symptoms of cholelithiasis. Usual gall stone symptoms are flatulence, right upper quadarant pain, biliary colic, indigestion, belching, bloating and intolerance of fatty food. Gall bladder colic often awakening the patient at night radiating to shoulder or back. Symptoms of nausea, vomiting and distention in the epigastric area. Following are the increased risk of the formation of the gall stones i.e alcoholism, diabetes, hemolytic disease, astrogen replacement therapy at high doses and pregnancy harmones. The record indicates that females are more prone than males to have gall stones.


Adult: 10-15drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


30mL drops standard quality packing


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