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Irregular menstruation Tumours (ovarian & uterine)



Aletris far D3, Asoka D1, Caulophyllum D4, Cimicifuga D4, Pulsatilla D6, Senecio D3, Vibur-Op D3.

General Indication:

Irregular menstruation, excessive or insufficient flow, heavy or painful bleeding, fullness and pressure in the pelvic area, low back pain. Researchers assume the fibroids as hormonal problems running in the families, environmental or a combination of all these but no one knows the actual cause. Fibroids disturb the shape of uterus and cause fertility problem. Most fibroids do not cause any symptom but some women complain heavy bleeding, increased urination, infertility and miscarriage. One may get rid of the above said problems with proper consultation and use of this BM-Femolin tablets.


One tablet three times a day or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


30 blistered tablets standard quality packing


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