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First Aid Homoeopathic Medicine Kit

Takes care of immediate health needs, recommended to be kept at Homes, Factories, Offices, Personal Car, School Vans, Staff Vans, Shops & any place you desire to keep at

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Calendula ?

Leading Symptoms:

Cuts, lacerations, prevents pus formation.


Apply locally with a clean cotton swab and can be dressed with a with a light bandage, if necessary.

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Champhor ?

Leading Symptoms:

Loss of consciousness, absence of breathing, imperceptible pulse, icy coldness allover with death like paleness of face, effects of shock from injury, cholera and choleric conditions, first stage or when discharges are scanty or suddenly suppressed, dry skin, icy coldness of the body and collapse.


The victim should be made to smell Camphor ? (drops) on a clean cloth.
1-2 drops of mother tincture in a spoon of water 2-3 hourly.
Children:- Half of the dose precribed for adults.

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Hamamelis ?

Leading Symptoms:

Open painful wounds with dark venous blood, severe loss of blood leading to weakness apply mother tincture externally, symptoms all internal bleeding when the blood is bright red.


Apply mother tincture externally with the clean cotton.
5 drops in a spoon of water 3-4 times a day.
Children:- Half of the dose precribed for adults.

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Calc Flour 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Relaxed condition of veins, piles, arteries, sluggish circulation, tendency to crack in the skin notably in the place of hand and between toes, disease affecting surface of the bones and joints and when teeth becomes loose in their socket and decayed rapidly, muscular weakness, bearing down pain, symptoms worse in humid weather and are relieved by massage and warmth


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Calc Phos 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Rickets, improves gastric juice and assists digestion, periods of convalacences and its imperfect circulation, anemia of young girls, creeping sensation of skin, numbness, and coldness of limbs.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Calc Sulph 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Blood purifier and healer that found in liver, whom it helps in removal of waste products of blood stream and it has cleaning and purifying ifluence throughout the system, effective to treat the catarrh, acne, pimples of adolescence, cut short the treatment of threatening cold.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Ferr Phos 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Ferr phos is the pre-eminent biochemic first-aid. It is the oxygen carrier, gives strength and toughness to the circular walls of blood vessels especially the arteries, congestion, inflammatory pain, high temperature, quickened pulse, lack of red blood corpusels as in anemia and as first aid remedy for haemorrhages.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Kali Mur 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Sluggish conditions,it is the remedy for thick white discharge, white coated tongue and light colored stool, inflammatory diseases particularly those affecting respiration-coughs, colds, sore throat, tonsillitis. Kali Mur is concerned with the production of saliva and is therefore important in early stages of digestion.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Kali Phos 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Kali Phos is a nerve nutrient. It is the remedy for aliment of a truly nervous character. School children often need this tissue salt. It helps maintain a happy contented disposition and sharpens mental faculties, Kali Phose is the remedy for nervous headaches, nervous dyspepsia, sleeplessness, depression. This tissue salt is an important constituent of nervous tissue and consequently has wide and powerful influence on bodily function, Kali Phos is also indicated in the treatement of skin ailment and also helpful for breating nervous asthma symptoms and usually worse from mental and physical exertion and cold. They are ameliorated by rest, warmth.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Kali Sulph 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Feeling of "stuffiness" or desire for cool air, sticky yellowish discharge from the skin or mucous membrane as in certain form of catarrh, intestinal disorders, stomach catarrh and promote perspiration symptoms.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Mag Phos 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Anti spasmodic, this tissue salt is of importance to muscular tissues, quick to relieve pain, especially cramping, shooting darting or spasmodic pain, it relieves muscular twitching, cramps hiccups, convulsiv fits of coughing and also relieves menstrual pains. Stomach cramps and flatulencce.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Nat Mur 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Headache with constipation, low spirit, with a feeling of hopelessness, difficult stool, rawness and soreness of the anus, cold with discharge of watery mucus and sneezing, heartburn due to gastric fermentation.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Na Phos 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Promotes function of digestive organs, natrum phos is an acid neutralizer, swelling and other painful rheumatic symptoms, goutic uric acid, dyspepsia, pain after eating and similar digestion disorder, this remedy is of importance in the treatment of rheumatics, lumbago, fibrositis and associated ailments.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Nat Sulph 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Nat Sulph regulates density of the intercellular (fluids which bathe the tissue cell) by eliminating excess water. The tissue salt largely controls the healthy functioning of liver, it ensures an adequate supply of free flowing healthy bile necessary for later stages of digestion, rheumatic ailment affecting the liver, influenza humid, asthma, malaria and other conditions associated with humidity.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Silicea 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Silicea is a cleanser and eliminator, which helps the body to throw off non-functional organic matters, offensive perspiration of the feet and arm pits, pus formation or threatened suppuration e.g. abcesses, boils, gum boils etc. it is useful in treatment of tonsillitis when pus has begun to form.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Calendula Ointment

Leading Symptoms:

Lacerated and supporting, raw open and inflammed wounds, abcesses, boils, burns, carbuncles and fistula.

Directions for use:

Massage to the affected area. Cover with plain lint and bandage, if necessary. Maximum two application in a day

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Rhus Tox Ointment

Leading Symptoms:

Pain in joints, muscles, neuratic pains in joints, knee, hip joints, swelling, bruise, rheumatism in cold season, arthritis, gout.

Directions for use:

Massage to the affected area. Cover with plain lint and bandage, if necessary. Maximum two application in a day

BM Nos 1 - 256 in 30mL Drops
BM Specialities Drops
Medicated Syrups
General Items
Sugar Free Medicated Syrups
Ointments, Creams & Massage Oil
Medicated Tablets
Bio-Combination Nos

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Homoeopathic Classical Remedies
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