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First Aid Homoeopathic Medicine Kit

Takes care of immediate health needs, recommended to be kept at Homes, Factories, Offices, Personal Car, School Vans, Staff Vans, Shops & any place you desire to keep at

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Glonoine 30

Leading Symptoms:

Bad effects from exposure to the rays of the sun, wave like motion in the brain, distinct feeling of the pulse in the head, throbbing without pain, distinct pulsation over the whole body.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Graphites 30

Leading Symptoms:

Skin eruptions, oozing thick fluid, sticky mucus, fissures with numbness, offensive oozings, soreness and cracking of the lips and nostrils, eczema capitis of the whole scalp, massive dirty crusts which mat the hair together.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Hepar Sulphuris 30

Leading Symptoms:

Tendency to pus formation, abscess, stinging pain in pus-filled area, green slimy diarrhoea of a sour smell, hypersensitivity to cold, to touch, to pain, sweats day and night without relief.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Hyoscyamus Niger 30

Leading Symptoms:

Mania of a quarrelsome and obscene character, stupid muttering, violent convulsions allover, involuntary loud laughter with silly actions, fearfulness, anxiety, ailments from fright, spasmodic dry cough, relieved by sitting up.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Hypericum 200

Leading Symptoms:

Injury to nerves, threatened tetanus, crushed fingertips, punctured wounds, effects of shock.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Ignatia Amara 30

Leading Symptoms:

Suppressed mental sufferings, grief, hysteria, changeable moods, contradiction irritates and excites to anger, nervous headache relieved by lying on the painful side, sensation of weakness and sinking in pit of stomach, constant desire to take deep breath


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Ipecacuanha 30

Leading Symptoms:

Persistent nausea, and nausea in any sickness, chest infection of infants, wheezing, bronchitis, inclination to vomit, asthma, amoebic dysentery or watery diarrhoea like grass green, haemorrhages of bright red blood, intermittent fever with nausea.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Kali Bichromicum 30

Leading Symptoms:

Colds, painful sinusitis, discharge from nose, mouth, vagina or any other mucous membrance i.e. ropy and sticky, pain at the root of the nose, over a small spot in the head, in the eye, alternation between catarrh and rheumatic pain, useful in round, deep and punched-out ulcers.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Lycopodium 200

Leading Symptoms:

Distension of abdomen with flatulence, relieved by eructations, continuous rumbling and rolling in the abdomen, chronic liver trouble with flatulence, loss of vigor among old persons, red sand in urine, child cries before urinating.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Mercurius Solubilis 200

Leading Symptoms:

Gums painful to touch, swollen, spongy, receding from teeth, bleeding, fetid odor from mouth, Leucorrhoea always worse at night, itching, burning and rawness, perspiration with relief, mucous dysentery, cutting colic, indurating glandular inflammation.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Millefolium 200

Leading Symptoms:

Epistaxis, bleeding from lungs, bleeding piles, bleeding during urination, bleeding from uterus.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Nux Vomica 30

Leading Symptoms:

Headaches with dyspepsia, constipation, unsatisfied evacuation, sleepy in the early evening and sleepless at night, colic, irritable impatient, piles bloody or blind, urticaria with irritability.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Phosphoric Acid 30

Leading Symptoms:

Mental and physical debility, chronic effects of grief, hair turns grey, hopeless, haggard look, headache of school students, eye strain or over use of eyes, very profuse, watery or milky urine, bad effects from onanism, sexual, grief, sorrow homesickness or unfortunate love.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Phosphorus 30

Leading Symptoms:

Easy recurrent bleeding, small wounds bleed profusely, blood not clotting, intense burning, spreading from hands to face, fearful, anxious at twilight, trembling of whole body while coughing, restlessness, wants sympathy.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Podophyllum 30

Leading Symptoms:

Offensive, profuse diarrhoea, diarrhoea aggravates in the morning and during dentition, rumbling rolling in stomach with severe cramping pain, grinding of teeth at night, prolapsus ani with every stool.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Pulsatilla Nig 30

Leading Symptoms:

Thick bland yellowish green mucus from mucus membrane anywhere, loss of sense of smell, greatly troubled with dryness in the mouth and throat while sleeping, stomach disorder from rich foods like cakes, pstry etc, late and scanty menstruation, nocturnal enuresis, particularly in little girls, symptoms of recurrent styes.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Rhus Toxixodendron 30

Leading Symptoms:

Muscular pain, temporarily relieved on movement, pain caused by exposure to wet cold, on suppression of perspiration, muscular lameness and stiffness, strain, backache, lumbago, sciatica, eczema of face and genitals.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Ruta Graveolens 200

Leading Symptoms:

Eye, strain, sprain, bruise, lame sensation, flexor tendons overstrained on exertion, extreme restlessness.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Sepia 30

Leading Symptoms:

Bearing down sensation in vulva, labour like pains, pain in the small of back in women, climacteric flushes, brown liver spots on the skin, especially on chest and abdomen, a sensation of ball in vagina, rectum, prolapse, of uterus and vagina, leucorrhoea, yellow, milky or of bad smelling.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Spigelia 30

Leading Symptoms:

Left sided prosopalgia, neuralgia of the fifth pair of nerves, intolerable pressive pain in the eye balls (rheumatic opthalmia), throbbing tearing toothache aggravated by cold water, palpitation of heart audible and visible, rheumatic affections of the heart and anxiety.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Spongia Tosta 30

Leading Symptoms:

Cough, dry, barking, wheezing whistling, thyroid gland swollen and hard, with suffocation attacks at night, swelling of the testicles with pressive bruised pain.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Staphysagria 30

Leading Symptoms:

Recurrent styes, backache at night due to flatulence, hysteria or hypochondriasis from sexual or onanism, useful remedy in post-surgical operations.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Sulphur 30

Leading Symptoms:

Disliked to be washed or bathed, burning sensation, itching and scratching leading to burning on skin, irresistible drowsiness in daytime and wakefulness the whole night, symptoms of constipation and piles, under-developed infants.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Veratrum Album 30

Leading Symptoms:

Collapse with cold sweat on forehead-icy coldness. Total Prostration, cholera, rice water stool with retching-cramps in calves. Violent mania, praying, cursing and howling, palpitation, anxiety, pulse irregular and feeble.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Cactus Grand ?

Leading Symptoms:

The symptoms are those of a heart attack and not just those of angina pectoris, when there is suffocation, cold sweat, screaming pain when the face turns blue.


Acute condition:- Every 30 minutes
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 5 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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