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First Aid Homoeopathic Medicine Kit

Takes care of immediate health needs, recommended to be kept at Homes, Factories, Offices, Personal Car, School Vans, Staff Vans, Shops & any place you desire to keep at

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Phosphoric Acid 30

Leading Symptoms:

Mental and physical debility, chronic effects of grief, hair turns grey, hopeless, haggard look, headache of school students, eye strain or over use of eyes, very profuse, watery or milky urine, bad effects from onanism, sexual, grief, sorrow homesickness or unfortunate love.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Phosphorus 30

Leading Symptoms:

Easy recurrent bleeding, small wounds bleed profusely, blood not clotting, intense burning, spreading from hands to face, fearful, anxious at twilight, trembling of whole body while coughing, restlessness, wants sympathy.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Podophyllum 30

Leading Symptoms:

Offensive, profuse diarrhoea, diarrhoea aggravates in the morning and during dentition, rumbling rolling in stomach with severe cramping pain, grinding of teeth at night, prolapsus ani with every stool.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Pulsatilla Nig 30

Leading Symptoms:

Thick bland yellowish green mucus from mucus membrane anywhere, loss of sense of smell, greatly troubled with dryness in the mouth and throat while sleeping, stomach disorder from rich foods like cakes, pstry etc, late and scanty menstruation, nocturnal enuresis, particularly in little girls, symptoms of recurrent styes.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

BM Nos 1 - 256 in 30mL Drops
BM Specialities Drops
Medicated Syrups
General Items
Sugar Free Medicated Syrups
Ointments, Creams & Massage Oil
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