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First Aid Homoeopathic Medicine Kit

Takes care of immediate health needs, recommended to be kept at Homes, Factories, Offices, Personal Car, School Vans, Staff Vans, Shops & any place you desire to keep at

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Calcarea Carb 30

Leading Symptoms:

Frequent relapse of stickness; interrupted convalescence, lack of stamina, hopelessness, icy coldness general and specific, impaired nutrition, pernicious anaemia, head sweats profusely while sleeping.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Cantharis 30

Leading Symptoms:

Urinary tract infection, intolerable tenesmus, burns by fire, sunlight, boiling water, scalds, kidney stone in ureter or bladder, frequent urination, pruritus in women, sexual mania.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Carbo Vegetabilis 30

Leading Symptoms:

Stomach disorder, acidity indigestion and ulcers, partial recovery from successive illnesses, collapse, imperfect oxygenation, blueness, surgical shock, cold sweat, cold breath, cold breath, cold tongue, pneumonia of 3rd stage.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Causticum 30

Leading Symptoms:

Involuntary discharge of urine while coughing, hoarseness, rawness in the respiratory tract, left sided sciatica with numbness, chronic rheumatic, arthritic and paralytic afflictions, gradually appearing paralysis.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Chamomilla 30

Leading Symptoms:

Irascible temper uncivil complaints brought on by anger, peevish child, extreme sensitivity to pain and numbness, earache, toothache, restlessness and sleeplessness, dentition diarrhoea.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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China Officinalis 30

Leading Symptoms:

Symtoms of typhoid; malaria, debility caused by excessive discharge of blood, mucus, saliva or by night sweats etc, periodic disease, midnight aggravation, easy bleeding followed by dropsy.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Cimicifuga Racemosa 30

Leading Symptoms:

Migraine, Muscular and crampy pains of neurotic origin, rheumatic pain in muscles of back and neck, ovarian pain, pelvic pain, pain in cervical or spinal spondylosis, nausea.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Cina 30

Leading Symptoms:

Child Peevish nothing helps, worms, convulsions in children, alternating canine hunger and no appetite.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Cocculus Indica 30

Leading Symptoms:

Travelers complaints, excessive nausea by motion of carriage, swing, ship car, aeroplane, etc. (motion sickness), intolerance of open air, nervous troubles arising from over anxiety.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Colchicum Aut

Leading Symptoms:

Articular rheumatism; shifting pains, worse from motion, metastasis of gout or rheumatism to internal organs, dysentery, especially in gouty or rheumatic subjects, gastralgia associated with gout or rheumatism, nausea from the odor of food or cooking food.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Colocynthis 30

Leading Symptoms:

Colicky pains, causing patient to bend double, relief by hard pressure and by heat, dysentery-like diarrhoea, renewed each time after taking the least food or drink, intense boring or tensive pain in the ovary with great restlessness, crampy pain in the sciatic nerve, from hip down the posterior of the thigh.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Conium Maculatum 30

Leading Symptoms:

Vertigo, particularly when lying down or when turning over in bed, paralysis from feet upwards, coccyx pain, locomotor ataxia, cancer, of tongue, glands, breast, hard tumours, mental and physical imbecility, prostate enlargement, sexual weakness with vertigo.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Cuprum Metallicum 200

Leading Symptoms:

Audible gurgling of the drink passing from the oesophagus, epileptiform convulsions, trembling, tottering and falling unconsious, without a scream, frothing from the mouth, brain affections, convulsions, muscular cramps.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Cactus Grand ?

Leading Symptoms:

The symptoms are those of a heart attack and not just those of angina pectoris, when there is suffocation, cold sweat, screaming pain when the face turns blue.


Acute condition:- Every 30 minutes
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 5 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Calendula ?

Leading Symptoms:

Cuts, lacerations, prevents pus formation.


Apply locally with a clean cotton swab and can be dressed with a with a light bandage, if necessary.

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Champhor ?

Leading Symptoms:

Loss of consciousness, absence of breathing, imperceptible pulse, icy coldness allover with death like paleness of face, effects of shock from injury, cholera and choleric conditions, first stage or when discharges are scanty or suddenly suppressed, dry skin, icy coldness of the body and collapse.


The victim should be made to smell Camphor ? (drops) on a clean cloth.
1-2 drops of mother tincture in a spoon of water 2-3 hourly.
Children:- Half of the dose precribed for adults.

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Calc Flour 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Relaxed condition of veins, piles, arteries, sluggish circulation, tendency to crack in the skin notably in the place of hand and between toes, disease affecting surface of the bones and joints and when teeth becomes loose in their socket and decayed rapidly, muscular weakness, bearing down pain, symptoms worse in humid weather and are relieved by massage and warmth


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Calc Phos 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Rickets, improves gastric juice and assists digestion, periods of convalacences and its imperfect circulation, anemia of young girls, creeping sensation of skin, numbness, and coldness of limbs.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Calc Sulph 6x

Leading Symptoms:

Blood purifier and healer that found in liver, whom it helps in removal of waste products of blood stream and it has cleaning and purifying ifluence throughout the system, effective to treat the catarrh, acne, pimples of adolescence, cut short the treatment of threatening cold.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 4 tablets (may be taken with water)
Children:- 2 tablets (may be taken with water)

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Calendula Ointment

Leading Symptoms:

Lacerated and supporting, raw open and inflammed wounds, abcesses, boils, burns, carbuncles and fistula.

Directions for use:

Massage to the affected area. Cover with plain lint and bandage, if necessary. Maximum two application in a day

BM Nos 1 - 256 in 30mL Drops
BM Specialities Drops
Medicated Syrups
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Sugar Free Medicated Syrups
Ointments, Creams & Massage Oil
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