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First Aid Homoeopathic Medicine Kit

Takes care of immediate health needs, recommended to be kept at Homes, Factories, Offices, Personal Car, School Vans, Staff Vans, Shops & any place you desire to keep at

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Aconitum Napellus 30

Leading Symptoms:

Fever, dry heat of skin, cold, inflammation, pneumonia, fear unreasoning, sudden onset of disease, restlessness, aggravation by exposure to cold, numbness


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Aethusa Cynapium 30

Leading Symptoms:

Children who cannot bear milk, vomits large hard curds, weakness causes drowsiness, child cannnot stand or hold up his head, dentition spasms, violent convulsions, weepy


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Antimonium Tart 30

Leading Symptoms:

Rattling mucus in the lungs. White coating of tongue. Respiratory troubles of children and old people. Difficulty in expectoration. Cynotic face from lack of oxygen.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Apis Mellifica 30

Leading Symptoms:

Sweling anywhere, pains like bee stings, absence of thirst, with scanty urination, oedema or dropsy, burning and stinging pains in the face, throat, urethra, ovaries, piles, tumors, carbuncles etc.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Arnica Montana 30

Leading Symptoms:

Head or face hot, the body cool, mechanical injuries such as bruises, sprains, contusions, cuts, wounds, consequences of exertion, pains in the body as if beaten, blue spots after injury, angina pectoris.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

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Arsenicum Album 30

Leading Symptoms:

Mental and physical restlessness, total debility, sudden prostration, burning but relieved by warmth, burning pains in stomach, black stools, unquenchable thirst but drinks little, symptoms of food poisoning, cholera and diarrhoea.


Acute condition:- 2 hourly
Chronic condition:- Three times a day
Adult:- 2-3 drops in a spoon of water.
Children:- Half of the dose prescribed for adults.

BM Nos 1 - 256 in 30mL Drops
BM Specialities Drops
Medicated Syrups
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Sugar Free Medicated Syrups
Ointments, Creams & Massage Oil
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