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BM 211


BM 211


VariolinumD100+100C, Mang ActD30+30C, BoraxD30+30C, Secale CorD30+30C, BromiumD30+30C, MezeriumD30+30C

Specific Indication:

Highly contagious skin disease, pimple like irritation, especially between the figures, skin folds, elbow, wrist, shoulder blades, breast and male genital organs.

General Indication:

Scabies is an infestation of the skin with the microscopic mite sarcoptes scabei. This infestation is common and found world wide and affects people of all races. Scabies spreads rapidly under crowded conditions where there is frequent skin to skin contact between people such as in schools, hospitals, institutions, child care centers and nursing homes. The general symptoms of the scabies are Pimple-like irritations, burrows or rash of the skin, especially the webbing between the fingers; the skin folds on the wrist, elbow, or knee; the penis, the breast, or shoulder blades. Intense itching, especially at night and over most of the body. Sores on the body caused by scratching. These sores can sometimes become infected with bacteria.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


30mL drops standard quality packing


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