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BM 191


BM 191


Ambra GriseaD200+200C, MedorrhinumD200+200C, Sulphuric AcidD200+200C, KreasotumD200+200C, Nitric AcidD200+200C

Specific Indication:

Genital itching accompanied by vaginal discharge (in case of female). Genital itching regardless to any gender may be due to allergy of skin condition. Friction and fungus are the two primary causes of genital itching. Dr. William Dvorine says; skin rubbing against skin generates heat and sweat to produce tender, red and itchy patches.

General Indication:

Itching of genitals can be caused by an infection, which you might have caught by having sex with someone who is infectious. Here are some general symptoms which may lead to genital itching that is genital sores, genital ulcers, painful open genital ulcers, genital blister, skin rash around the genital region, penile sores, vaginal soreness, external as well as internal pain after sex. Pain between anus and genital. Genital skin itching is quite a common problem and can be very uncomfortable, distressing and embarrassing as well. BM itching genitals Compositum is quite useful to eliminate these symptoms.


Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


30mL drops standard quality packing


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