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BM 162


BM 162


AnagallisD4+40C, Anti CrudD10+100C, PenicillinumD20+200C, Sempervivum TectorumD7+70C, ThujaD4+40C, X-RaysD20+200C

Specific Indication:

Warts are the small appears on any part of the body due to infection. Common warts (usually grows on fingers around the nails and on the back of hands). Foot warts (usually appears on the soles of the feet). Flat warts (they are relatively small and smoother than other warts).

General Indication:

Warts probably are passed from person to person, sometimes indirectly. The time between the first contact and time when the warts can be seen is often several months. The risk of catching hand, foot and flat wart is small. Genital warts seem to be more contagious. It is important to take precautions to limit the spread of genital warts. Usually warts are non-cancerous skin growths. The appearance of a skin wart depends on where it is growing. These are usually skin coloured and feel rough to the touch, but can be dark, flat or smooth. There are many kinds of warts which can be treated along with various kinds of symptoms with BM warts compositum drops. The kinds of warts includes common warts, flat warts and genital warts.


Adult: 10-15drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.


30mL drops standard quality packing


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