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BM 158


BM 158


ChelidoniumD2+20C, Carduus MarD3+30C, HydrastisD4+40C, Secale CorD7+70C, PodophyllumD10+100C, TerebinthinaeD10+100C, Fel TauriD7+70C, LeptandraD30+100C

Specific Indication:

Catarrhal jaundice, jaundice yellow discoloration of the skin and of conjuctiva, pale skin, pale urine, obstructive jaundice, liver cell jaundice, haemolytic jaundice, tongue is furred, fever, sensitiveness over the liver and offensive stool.

General Indication:

When the accumulation of the pigment in the serum is associated with the yellow discolouration of the skin, the whites of the eyes are yellow, it is the picture of the jaundiced patient. Obstructive jaundice is due to an obstraction in the common bile duct, both hepatic or in biliary duct inside the liver because of the obstraction bilirubin level raises may be upto 30mg/per ml or more. It is usually accompanied by persistent itching, pain in the region of the gall bladder and liver. Pale stools and dark urine. The ultrasound report shows hepatomegaly and sometimes spleenomegaly. Liver profiles are raised. It is also important to note that jaundice may appear because of the allopathic drugs like (Phenothiazines). It is also experienced in the clinical practice that most of the antidepressant drugs are also the cause of jaundice. BM Jaundice Compositum is useful to manage difficult kinds of jaundice including toxic and malignant jaundice.


Adult: 10-15drops, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor. Children: Half of the same or as prescribed.


30mL drops standard quality packing


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